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Brussel Sprout F1 Monaco

Brussel Sprout F1 Monaco

Evesham Special has an excellent flavour and is a favourite for amateur growers. Leafy green vegetables look like miniature cabbages. The edible sprouts grow like buds in helical patterns along the side of long thick stalks of about 60 to 120 cm.
  • How to Grow Brussels Sprouts

    • Add some lime to the soil as Brassica`s prefer an alkaline soil
    • Ensure the soil after diggging over is firmed in. You can walk up and down the soil to compact it down
    • Keep soil moist but not to wet
    • Cover crops to prevent pests such as Cabbage White Butterfly (a builders debris netting is often used)
    • a high nitrogen feed (chicken manire pellets) when planting and again early september will increase crop size
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